2024 policy updates

These policies are made with the happiness, safety, and quality of each dog in mind. I created these so that I may perform the best stress-free experience and environment for each pet, pet parent and myself. I am a home based solo groomer and I take my policies very seriously. Any breach of policy will result in client termination. I will keep these posted on my website as well as in my agreement terms upon booking. Thank you!


I do not take aggressive dogs or dogs that bite. I also will not accept clients with severely matted dogs(4 months or longer since their last groom.) Clients with doodles, shih tzus or any pet with long/curly hair MUST be on a 4-12 week schedule or you will be at risk of a shave down AND termination if repeated. I no longer will groom severely matted dogs or dogs that do not see me on a consistent schedule. I am a solo groomer so that does limit my ability to groom certain dogs. If a dog is aggressive, bites, does poorly in a kennel, extremely uncooperative or damages equipment I will not be able to groom that dog due to my safety and the dogs. For a fluffy groom(3/4 - 1inch) I recommend booking every 4-6 weeks, any longer and the dog runs into tangles and matting and will need to go shorter. For short but not shaved haircuts then 8-12 weeks is fine. Any longer than 12 weeks and you run into severe matting and I absolutely do not de-mat dogs and you will possibly be charged an extra matting fee depending on condition and your pet will be shaved. I require at least a 12 hour notice if you need to reschedule your appointment so that I may fill that slot. If you are past this time then I will require a non refundable deposit of half the payment of the next groom in order to be rebooked.


Your dog's safety and comfort is our primary concern. Please do not come to an appointment with an ill or injured pet. If your dog is showing signs of illness, has open wounds, or has an injury please call and reschedule your appt. For the safety of your pet and other pets we will not groom an ill or injured pet. Allergies and Sensitivities: Please advise us of any allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing medical conditions so we can avoid aggravating the health issue and even help alleviate the discomfort. Please let us know of any prior grooming history you or your dog may not have found satisfactory. We want to avoid the repetition of poor or unpleasant experiences or situations. The health and well-being of every furry client are our top priorities. In line with our commitment to providing the highest standard of care, we do not accept dogs that are sick or in poor health for grooming services. This policy aims to safeguard the health of all the pets in our care and to prevent the potential spread of contagious illnesses. By upholding this standard, we ensure a safe and comfortable environment for every dog that visits our grooming salon. We believe that every pet deserves to receive grooming services in a setting that prioritizes their health and happiness above all else.


Allowing a pet’s coat to get matted is not only very uncomfortable, but unhealthy for your pet. Excessive matting can be avoided with regular grooming appointments. De-matting will not be done if it causes pet undue stress or pain or if the pet is under a year old. Excessive de-matting is a painful, time-consuming, and costly procedure that can cause extreme discomfort and can aggravate (or cause) skin problems. In the circumstance where your pet cannot have its mats brushed out or the expense is too much, your pet will receive a “shave down” to remove the mats. Under this circumstance, a shave down is the more compassionate or economical way to groom your pet. Mats are constantly pulling the skin of your pet and are always painful. When ears become matted, it is possible for swelling and break-through bleeding to happen, especially from head shaking and around the tips of the ears. Shaving mats can show bruises, scrapes or other health issues that were hidden before. ONLYPAWS GROOMING will not be held liable if this should arise. Shave downs or custom cuts that are outside a basic pet trim or breed standard cut will be discussed and the groomer will perform the cuts to the best of his/her understanding of client’s directions and his/her ability but no other guarantee is made. Note: shaving of your pet may dramatically change your pet’s appearance and the hair will be very close to the skin. This may expose pre-existing skin conditions.


ONLYPAWS GROOMING not take aggressive pets or pets who bite for the grooming process. You must inform us if your pet has ever been turned away from another groomer or if they have ever shown signs of aggression such as growling, scratching, snarling or biting. We consider the terms "nipping and snapping" to be biting If your pet is biting and cannot be calmed or safely groomed you will be called to pick up your pet and the full grooming bill must be paid. If you know your pet becomes upset or is sensitive about a part of the grooming process, for the safety of your pet and us, you must inform us before your appointment date. Knowledge of your pets fear of nail clipping, de-matting, drying, etc. helps us successfully groom your pet and make the experience easier and, in most cases, help your pet overcome this fear. Pets who struggle for aspects of grooming are at greater risk for nicks, quicked nails, or a haircut that isn’t quite perfect looking. We always take great care to ensure your pet is not injured during grooming, but pets who are biting or struggling put themselves at greater risk for this happening. ONLYPAWS GROOMING will not be held liable for these types of injuries or for haircuts that are less than satisfactory.


We will use extra care and patience for older pets. Elderly pets are a special appointment and require extra time. Please let us know if your pet needs this specialized appointment. Grooming elderly pets can cause mental or physical stress due to grooming being much more tiring for the pet, especially arthritic pets. Due to this, we will at times have to do a much simpler cut for your pet’s health and safety or stop the grooming process. Pets who can no longer stand for long periods or require lots of breaks during the grooming process may have an extra charge added to their bill. Please be sure to notify us of any health conditions that might make your pet uncomfortable during the bathing, drying, or clipping phases. Any grooming which takes place on an elderly or frail pet is conducted at your risk and ONLYPAWS GROOMING will not be held liable for mental or physical stress the grooming process may cause.


It's best to avoid grooming pregnant dogs due to the potential risks involved. Grooming procedures, such as bathing, drying, and certain grooming products, may cause stress to the dog, leading to potential complications during the pregnancy. It's important to prioritize the health and safety of both the mother and her puppies. Therefore, it's advisable to wait until after the pregnancy and nursing stages have passed before resuming regular grooming sessions for the dog. Always consult with a veterinarian for guidance on the most appropriate care for pregnant dogs.


I ask that if your pet has fleas to not bring them until they are fully treated and gone. with this being my home and having other animals here the risk is just too high. if the dog is on my table or in the tub and fleas are found you will be charged a 10-20$ flea bath charge, which is not guaranteed to kill all fleas depending on the amount.


Prices will increase $5-$10 per pet every October 1st to keep up with quality of products and expenses.


As I am a solo groomer and may not normally have extra help, I can only handle so so much of a large pet. I have equipment that does help me with large dogs but if the dog is very uncooperative then I may not be able to groom them. Any dog over 90 pounds will only be approved upon private discussion. Please keep in mind I will need to be able to get them in my tub, on my table and groomed safely. if I cannot safely handle the pet then they will be sent home.


I know emergencies may come up or the appointment may be forgotten, as we are all human. Everyone does receive a reminder text the day before their appointment to confirm, cancel, or reschedule. If an appointment needs rescheduled I ask that you please give me a 12 hour notice so I may fill that slot. if you cancel after that 12 hour mark more than 3 times then I will require a non refundable deposit of half the payment of the next groom in order to be rebooked. if you no show your appointment fore than two times then I will require a non refundable deposit for full payment for the next groom in order to be rebooked.


Under 16 weeks: Puppy Starter (Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Distemper). Puppies must have completed at least 2 sets of shots before being admitted into the styling salon.16 weeks and older: All dogs must have their rabies, booster, and Bordetella (kennel cough) shots up to date. Vaccinations must have been administered at least ten (10) day before their scheduled appointment. We may refuse service for failure to comply. You may fill out your vaccine form online when booking or send me a picture of your records to 317-548-0838.

OnlyPaws Grooming Waiver Agreement
EVERYONE WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS WAIVER. By signing this waiver, you acknowledge and understand that OnlyPaws Grooming will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of your pet during the grooming process. You understand that grooming procedures may involve risks, including but not limited to, nicks, cuts, and skin irritation. You acknowledge that while I am a highly trained professional, unforeseen accidents can occur. By signing this waiver, you release OnlyPaws Grooming and its employees from any liability regarding accidental injury to your pet during the grooming process. You also agree to disclose any pre-existing health conditions or behavioral concerns about your pet to ensure the safest grooming experience for both your pet and our staff.

Thank you everyone for understanding and supporting my business, if you have any questions please reach out to me at 317-548-0838.